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Symptoms of Neuropathy and What You Can Do About It

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that indicates a severe problem within the peripheral nervous system. Your nervous system comprises a network of several nerves located outside your brain and spinal cords. However, neuropathy refers to the damage or dysfunction of one or more nerves (nerve cells) that typically leads to numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in the affected area (typically, hands and feet). This further interrupts the regular communication between the neurons and the brain.

How quickly does neuropathy develop?

There are over a hundred types of neuropathies that can develop differently. While some peripheral neuropathies develop gradually (over months to years), others develop more rapidly while getting worse. Thus, the way a patient’s condition and symptoms develop can greatly vary depending on the type of nerve damage, including the underlying cause of the situation.

What are the possible causes of neuropathy?

There are various conditions and events that can significantly impact your health and gradually result in neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy can result from multiple traumatic infections, injuries, hereditary issues, and exposure to toxins. However, one of the most typical causes of neuropathy is diabetes. Other common causes include trauma, alcoholism, chemotherapy, and autoimmune diseases.

What are the symptoms of neuropathy?

The symptoms of neuropathy typically depend on the type and location of the nerves. While some patients may notice the signs appearing suddenly (known as acute neuropathy), others may only develop the symptoms slowly over time (known as chronic neuropathy). However, the common signs and symptoms of neuropathy can include:

  • Changes in sensation (For instance, experiencing severe pain at night. Or the inability to feel pain, temperature, or pressure, becoming extremely sensitive to touch.)
  • Feeling tingling sensations or numbness, particularly in hands or feet. These sensations can also spread in the arms or legs.
  • Falling (loss of coordination)
  • Experiencing excessive pain, throbbing, sharp, burning, or electric-like pain.
  • Muscle weakness (difficulty in walking or moving your arms and legs).
  • Inability to feel things in your hands or legs.
  • Muscle twitching, spasms, or cramps.
  • Low blood pressure or abnormal heart rate, causing dizziness while standing up, feeling lightheadedness, or fainting-like.
  • Unable to move a specific body part/ loss of muscle control, muscle tone, or dropping things out of your hand.
  • Issues with bladder, digestion, and bowels.
  • Weight loss
  • Sexual function problems.
  • Sweating too much or not enough as per the temperature or degree of exertion.

What are the possible and effective treatments for neuropathy?

Depending on the intensity and type of the condition, some cases of neuropathy can be easily treated and cured, while others may constitute a life-long ailment. However, your doctor may begin the treatment by identifying and aiding the primary medical condition, such as diabetes or infections. The treatment aims to manage and control the symptoms while preventing further damage. These treatment alternatives can include the following:

  • Medicines
  • Physical therapies
  • Occupational therapies
  • Mechanical aids
  • Surgery
  • Proper nutrition
  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle

About us

Look no further than The NERVOTICS Ped Patch if you need a reliable and practical solution to calm your nerve pain! Our exclusive Nervotics Ped Patch is a natural yet innovative solution, helping patients suffering from painful neuropathy. The combination of minerals and vitamins infused into each Ped Patch work synergistically to feed your nerves while enabling you to feel better!

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